Wikidot offers a variety of Modules that help make certain tasks much easier and more convenient. Using these modules in the right ways can help make your site dynamic and much easier to maintain. Below, we want to introduce you to some of the most widely used modules and demonstrate how you can use them on your site.
For detailed information over all the modules, see Wikidot's Documentation.
Table of Contents
Quick Reference
Here is a quick reference to some of these modules. Certain ones are explained in greater depth later.
Module | Description |
ListPages | Lists all the pages on the site meeting given criteria. |
TagCloud | Generates a cloud of tags used on your site for a given category. |
PageCalendar | Lists the number of pages per year and month matching given criteria. |
PageTree | Lists all descendent pages of a root page. |
Join | Generates a button that allows users to apply or join your site. |
CSS | Creates on-the-fly CSS rules and definitions for a single page. |
NewPage | Generates a form that allows you to easily create new pages with a given title. |
Redirect | Redirects the user to a different page or website. |
Comments | Inserts page comments onto a page. |
Rate | Creates a little rate page widget that allows users to vote or rate page content. |
Files | Lists all the files on a given page. |
The ListPages module is perhaps the single most useful module Wikidot offers. All it does is list pages that fit a certain list of criteria. What makes it so powerful is the vast range of criteria you can specify and the ability to format each entry in any way you need.
The module follows the basic format below:
[[module ListPages CRITERIA...]]
ListPages allows you to select pages given a wide range of specifiers. You can list pages given…
- Specific categories
- Specific tags
- Specific date created
- Specific parent page
- Specific rating
- Specific page author
- Specific data form values
As an example, let's say that you are running a blog, and you want to list all of your blog entries. All of your posts are located in the "blog" category, but you do not want to list pages tagged with "_incomplete" or "_deleted". You can use the following ListPages criteria to do this easily:
[[module ListPages category="blog" tags="-_incomplete -_deleted"]]
For more information about each of the criteria, see Wikidot's Documentation.
You are also able to specify the order in which pages are listed. By default, pages will be listed according to which was updated first, but you may want to list pages alphabetically or by creation date. By using the order= criterion, you can choose exactly how you want your pages ordered.
Among the options are:
- Title
- Creation date
- Update date
- Author
- Page size
- Page rating
- Number of comments
- Page name
- Random
- Data Form values
For more information about each of the ordering options, see Wikidot's Documentation.
ListPages allows you to format your entries however you like. To do this effectively, though, requires some knowledge about page variables. For instance, let us say that you are making a blog site, and you want to use the following format for your post listing on the front page:
+ Page Title
Preview of the Content
[[[link to page |
How can you replace the "Page Title" with the actual page's title? Wikidot allows you to use a very large number of variables that change on a per-page basis. For example, the %%title%% variable, when seen in the code, will be replaced by the page's title.
For our blog, we would use the following code:
[[module ListPages category="blog" tags="-_incomplete -_deleted"]]
+ %%title%%
[[[%%fullname%% |
The list of variables is too vast to cover here, but you can see Wikidot's Documentation for a comprehensive list.
Live Example
Here is an example of ListPages in action. Our goal is to list all of the help pages on this site in alphabetical order alongside the page's size.
Title | Size |
Creating Pages | 40 |
CSS Themes | 36 |
Editing Pages | 39 |
First Time User | 7500 |
Navigation Bars | 41 |
Quick Reference | 41 |
Templates | 35 |
Using Modules | 39 |
[[module ListPages category="help" order="title" prependLine="||~ Title||~ Size||" separate="false"]]
Note that some of these page sizes are small since the help pages actually import code from another site.
The NewPage module stands right beside the ListPages module in terms of usefulness; this is especially true for collaboration sites and wikis.
The NewPage module will generate form that allows users to easily create pages. The form looks like the below:
The text field allows you to type in the title of the page you want to create, and pressing "Example" will actually create the page and take you to an editing window.
The NewPage module is important since it allows you as the administrator to control how pages are created. Because of the criteria options the module comes with, you can essentially organize your site as pages are created. For example, lets say you are building a wiki, and you expect users to be creating and editing articles. You want all of your article pages to be in the "article" category so that you can easily list them (using ListPages) elsewhere.
The NewPage module allows you to create a field that members can use to create pages that are automatically stored into the "article" category. This can be done with the following code:
[[module NewPage category="article" button="Add Article"]]
The NewPage module also allows you to add initial tags or automatically set the pages' parents. For a comprehensive description of the module, see Wikidot's Documentation.
NewPage Alternative
As powerful as the NewPage module is, it still has a few limitations. Fortunately, a brilliant person named James Kanjo developed a code snippet that extends the NewPage module and eliminates the limitations. His NewPage Extension serves as a more powerful version of Wikidot's native module and provides you, the administrator, with many more options. If you are not afraid of a little exploration, Jame's snippet is worth investigating!